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4 Fascinating Games You Should Consider for Your Kids

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By Rebecca Obolo - - 5 Mins Read
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Playing games is a recreational activity for children's development, providing them with more than just fun and relaxation. When carefully crafted, games have the potential to serve as effective tools for learning and improving different facets of a child's growth.

In today's modern world, interactive and educational games are capturing the spotlight for their ability to ignite creativity, improve critical thinking, enhance problem-solving skills, and boost academic knowledge. This article sets out to uncover the best games for kids, with a special focus on the best mobile games in this digital era.

Best Games For Kids

Here are some of the best games for kids to stay entertained.

Hide and Seek

One of the most popular games for kids, this game is fun with the addition of a twist to an old favorite!

It is more fun when one seeker finds a hider and they both work together to find other hiders. You can also try to ask one person to hide while every other person becomes a seeker and goes in search of that one hider together.


Freeze is one hilarious game for kids. The fun part is that both parents and kids can play this game. When playing this game, you’re asked to dance and play together until someone says "freeze." 

You can ask your kids to freeze in goofy poses or as their favorite animal: the look on their poses can be something to laugh about.

Let’s Pretend / Pictionary

This game can be played indoors or outdoors. In this game,  the kids are asked to pretend to like their favorite animal and perform tasks for extra points. They can hunt, drink water, and communicate while role-playing like their favorite animal.

Card Games

Card games are great options for kids, it helps them build their logical reasoning and color and number identification ability.

Simple kid's card games like spoons, trash, cards, and memory cards need two decks to play. You can also play crazy eights where you get rid of all your cards and other amazing card games like Go Fish that are ideal for preschoolers.

Best Mobile Games For Kids

Mobile games can be a great way to keep kids happy. These games can be installed on their tabs, they include:

Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is a must-have game. It is a game that makes use of augmented reality (AR) and your GPS to allow players to “catch” Pokémon everywhere they go. Pokémon Go allows you to play with other users. That way, it helps your child to build a competitive mindset.

Words With Friends

Words With Friends is basically Scrabble. Kids love playing with words especially when it involves discovering new words. You can just pop in new words in the course of the game, and that way, the child learns new words while having fun.

Scrabble is one of the popular educational games that you can introduce to a child.


This is a sand craft game that seems to be available for download on almost all game platforms. It is an adventure game that is thrilling and makes your kids get stuck to the screen.

The Bottom Line

These games (both mobile and physical) are fascinating and very healthy for the child’s mental health and all round growth. Giving your child the opportunity to play is one of the best ways to build their creativity, and equip them with the skills required to navigate everyday life. You’d be doing your child a lot of favor by giving them a great game time experience.
