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Astrobot Settles Key Debate Among The Last of Us Players

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By Samuel Adeyemi - - 5 Mins Read
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The Last of US | Screenshot via YT

In the world of gaming, debates go on for years. But sometimes, it takes an unexpected character to put these arguments to rest. This is the case with Astrobot, PlayStation's adorable mascot, who's inadvertently settled a long-standing dispute among fans of The Last of Us.

Let's see how this little robot made a big splash in the post-apocalyptic world of Joel and Ellie.

Brick vs. Bottle

For years, players of The Last of Us have been divided over a seemingly simple choice: brick or bottle? These throwable items, used for distraction and makeshift weapons, have sparked countless discussions in the gaming community. Each side has its die-hard supporters, arguing over effectiveness, durability, and even the satisfying 'clunk' when hitting a Clicker.

But now, Astrobot's latest adventure might have tipped the scales to one side in this debate. In a charming cameo, Joel, the gruff protagonist of The Last of Us, appears possessing a brick. This detail, which may seem insignificant, has caused reactions in the fanbase, with many viewing it as the ultimate endorsement of Team Brick.

Astrobot, the Unexpected Referee

Astrobot is a love letter to PlayStation's rich history. With its numerous cameos and Easter eggs, the game has become a treasure trove for eagle-eyed fans who love to play detective. So we can say that the inclusion of Joel with a brick isn't just a random choice, but a nod to one of the most iconic tools in The Last of Us universe.

This cameo has reignited discussions on Reddit and other gaming forums, with fans taking it as a sign that even the developers at Sony recognize the brick's superiority. One Redditor remarked, "See? Astrobot knows what's up! Brick all the way!" Another jokingly added, "Guess Astrobot just bricked the bottle argument."

Breaking Down the Brick-Bottle Debate

So, why all the fuss over a virtual brick? Well, in The Last of Us, every resource counts, and players often find themselves weighing the pros and cons of their limited inventory. Here's a quick breakdown of both:

  • Brick Advantages: More durable, capable of multiple melee hits (the famous "three-piece combo"), and packs a heavier punch.
  • Bottle Perks: Potentially longer stun effect when thrown, and some argue it's better for precision aiming.

Statistically, the brick does come out on top. It can withstand three melee hits before breaking, making it a more reliable impromptu weapon. The bottle, while still useful, shatters after one hit in close combat.

Astrobot's Celebration of Gaming

While the brick vs. bottle debate is fun, Astrobot offers much more than just settling old scores. It's a celebration of PlayStation's diverse gaming universe. From sandy beaches to volcanic landscapes, players can explore over 50 planets, each filled with nods to beloved franchises.

The game doesn't just stop at The Last of Us. Sharp-eyed players have already spotted references to God of War, Crash Bandicoot, and many more classic titles. It's this attention to detail and love for gaming history that makes Astrobot's adventure so special.

As one fan put it, "Sure, Astrobot might have settled the brick debate, but more importantly, it's reminding us why we fell in love with these games in the first place."
