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GTA 6 Release May Be Delayed Till 2026 According to Rumors

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By Olumide Akinlaja - - 5 Mins Read
Grand Theft Auto | Rockstar Games via X

Gaming enthusiasts eagerly anticipating the next installment in the Grand Theft Auto series might need to exercise a bit more patience. Recent rumors suggest that the GTA 6 release date, initially slated for 2025, could be pushed back to 2026. So, when will the new GTA 6 be available to gamers? Well, we're asking the same question.

Insider Information Hints at Extended Development Time

According to sources close to the development process, Rockstar Games may be internally considering a delay for their highly anticipated title. The information comes from multiple developers across two studios, as reported by a writer from GTABase, a dedicated GTA news site. This source has previously provided accurate information about GTA 6, including correctly predicting the December 2023 reveal trailer.

The rumored delay isn't expected to be a major setback anyway, considering the new projected release window falls in the early to mid-2026 range. This shift from the originally announced Q3/Q4 2025 time-frame suggests that Rockstar Games is prioritizing quality over rushing to meet a deadline.

PC Gamers May Face an Even Longer Wait

PC gamers often feel like the gaming gods, thanks to the benefits of customization and modding, but they may have to take the back seat here. While console gamers might be looking at a potential 2026 release, PC enthusiasts could be in for an even longer wait. The same sources indicate that the PC version of GTA 6 might not see the light of day until 12 to 18 months after the console release. This timeline could push the PC release into 2027.

The Challenges of Creating Great Games

The potential delay, while disappointing for fans, isn't entirely unexpected given the scope and ambition of the Grand Theft Auto series. GTA 6 is set to be the "biggest, most immersive evolution of the Grand Theft Auto series yet," according to Rockstar Games. The game will take place in the fictional state of Leonida, featuring the iconic neon-soaked streets of Vice City and beyond.

Creating such a vast and detailed world requires extensive development time, rigorous bug testing, and countless iterations to ensure a polished final product. The complexity of modern game development, coupled with the high expectations set by previous GTA titles, means that Rockstar Games is likely feeling the pressure to deliver a game that not only meets but exceeds fan expectations.

What This Means for Gamers

While the GTA 6 release date potentially being pushed back is disappointing news for many, it's important to remember that game delays often result in a better final product. The extra development time allows for more features, improved graphics, and a more stable game at launch (we're looking at you, Cyberpunk 2077).

For now, fans should take these rumors with a grain of salt. Rockstar Games has yet to comment officially on any delay, and until they do, the autumn 2025 release window remains the official stance. However, given the track record of the source and other factors of game development, it wouldn't be surprising if an official announcement about a revised GTA 6 release date comes in the near future.
