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PS5 Pro: Do You Really Need It?

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By Samuel Adeyemi - - 5 Mins Read
Sony PS5 Pro | Sony via X

Sony's latest offering, the PlayStation 5 Pro, is set to hit shelves on November 7, 2024. But with a hefty $700 price tag, the burning question on everyone's mind is: do you really need it? Let's take a careful look at what the PS5 Pro brings to the table and help you decide if it's worth the upgrade.

Supercharged Specs

First things first, let's talk about the PS5 Pro specs. This beefed-up console boasts a GPU with 67% more computing cores than its predecessor, promising to deliver eye-popping visuals and smoother gameplay. With 28% faster RAM and a 45% boost in rendering speed, it's clear Sony's not messing around with power.

But the thing is, while these numbers sound impressive, the real-world impact might not be as dramatic as you'd think. Sure, games will look better and run smoother, but is it a night-and-day difference from the standard PS5? That's debatable.

One undeniable upgrade, though, is the spacious 2TB SSD, doubling the storage of the base model. If you're tired of juggling game installs, this alone might make you consider the Pro. You decide if it's a good enough reason.

8K Gaming: Hype or Not?

One of the PS5 Pro's headline features is its ability to output at 8K resolution. Sounds mind-blowing, right? Well, hit the brakes for a second. Unless you're one of the few proud owners of an 8K TV, this feature is more about future-proofing than immediate gratification.

That said, even on 4K displays, the PS5 Pro flexes its muscles. With advanced ray tracing capabilities and AI-assisted upscaling (dubbed PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution), games seem set to look more realistic and immersive than ever before.

PS5 Pro vs PS5: Is the Upgrade Worth It?

Now, for the important question: should you ditch your PS5 for the Pro model? In all honesty, the answer largely depends on your setup and gaming priorities.

If you're rocking a high-end 4K TV and crave every last pixel of graphical fidelity, the PS5 Pro might be for you. The promise of 4K resolution at a buttery-smooth 60fps for many games is hard to resist for graphics enthusiasts.

However, if you're content with your current PS5 performance or don't have a display that can fully showcase the Pro's capabilities, you might want to stick with what you've got. The base PS5 is still a powerhouse, and many of the 40-50 games getting Pro upgrades at launch will look fantastic on the standard model too.

What's New in the Box?

When the PS5 Pro release date rolls around, expect a sleek package that's surprisingly similar in size to the original PS5. Inside, you'll find the console sporting some new diagonal black ribbed vents, a standard DualSense controller, and all the usual cables.

One potential dealbreaker? The base PS5 Pro model is digital-only. If you're attached to your physical game collection, you'll need to pay an extra $80 for the separate Blu-ray drive. Yikes.

Who Really Needs the PS5 Pro?

Let's be real: the PS5 Pro looks like it's aimed at the enthusiast market. If you're the type who needs the latest and greatest, or if you've been holding out for a more powerful PlayStation 5, the Pro might be your dream machine.

For newcomers to PlayStation, the Pro could be an enticing entry point, offering future-proof specs and the promise of the best possible gaming experience.

However, for the average gamer, the PS5 Pro's improvements might be subtle enough that sticking with the standard PS5 (or waiting for a potential price drop) could be the smarter move.

In the end, whether you need the PS5 Pro comes down to your personal gaming priorities and budget. It's undoubtedly a powerful console, but for many, the standard PS5 will continue to deliver fantastic gaming experiences for years to come. We'll let you decide.
