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The Effect of Gaming on Education: Pros and Cons

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By Oyedele Feranmi - - 5 Mins Read
Gamer interacts with Xbox game pass on a screen; holding a controller
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Video game players are mostly youngsters. In the U.S. alone, 85% of teens play video games, with 41% of them playing every day. How do these constant games affect their education? This article will discuss how gaming can improve students’ learning experiences and the potential downsides that shouldn't be ignored.

Advantages of Gaming in Education

Some advantages of gaming include:

Better Cognitive Skills

Video games that require players to solve puzzles or survive in complex environments can boost their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. In 2012, Green and Bavelier found that action video games improve a player's attention span, spatial reasoning, and multitasking abilities. These skills can be used in academic settings to engage with complex subjects, like Mathematics and Sciences.

Gaming is Engaging and Motivating

Games are interactive and motivating— players are determined to scale a difficult level or talk to team members on strategy. It's something you may not see often in traditional classes. Players can improve their attention span and engagement with books, just as they do with video games.

Improves Teamwork

Many video games, especially multiplayer and online games, thrive on teamwork. Players are split into a team of 5v5, and may the best man win! Each person must learn to communicate with their team members to achieve a common goal. They can also apply this to school work, where they may need to work with other students to reach a common goal.

Disadvantages of Gaming in Education

Besides being fun, gaming has several positive advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. Outlined below are 3 cons of gaming in education that you shouldn't ignore:

Players Can Get Addicted

One of the biggest drawbacks of video game addiction is distraction from academic responsibilities. Excessive gaming could lead to obsession, stealing the time required to focus on important things like homework, academic performance, and sometimes, even breeding a lack of interest in anything besides gaming.

It Could Impact their Health Negatively

Prolonged gaming can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. A player who sits at the game desk for hours could be nurturing obesity, poor posture, and strain injuries even at a young age.

The World Health Organization WHO has stressed that teenagers who spend too much time gaming could develop physical health issues, including eye strain and carpal tunnel syndrome. Hence, it's important to balance screen time with physical activities to reduce these risks.

Players Could Be Exposed To Inappropriate Content

Not all video games are suitable for educational purposes. Many contain violence, inappropriate language, or mature themes that are not advisable for a healthy learning environment. A violent game can desensitize a young player's mind to violence. This could lead to aggressive behavior in the home or reduced empathy towards classmates and siblings.

Final Thoughts

The influence of gaming on education is a double-edged sword— it has its good and bad days. The trick is to ensure that gaming is just another activity in your life. It shouldn't override every other activity, including studies and spending time with family.
