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What Halo Infinite's Third-Person Mode Could Bring to the Game

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By Lami Adenekan - - 5 Mins Read
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Halo Studios has one more trick up their sleeves and this is thrown into the ring with their latest announcement. The game developers announced they would be releasing Halo’s Infinite, upcoming third person shooter mode. This news has sparked a whole bunch of reactions among players who are as excited and curious about the new release.

With this new release expected to take a new turn from the franchise’s traditional first person shooter experience, there are a whole lot of fingers crossed. But here are the questions: what can players expect with these new changes? And how would it affect the Halo Infinite experience?

Cross Roads: Halo's First-Person Legacy

For years, players have enjoyed the Halo series, all thanks to its first person shooter gameplay experience. This has been the gist since the franchise first game, Halo: Combat Evolved was released. This first release defined the game’s principles and immersed players into the moment. They have since then built upon that success and improved on player engagement, gameplay mechanics and level design.

The only exception to the first person mode is during vehicle and turret animation, where the game switches to a third person perspective. The reason for this was to increase spatial awareness and also to make the moment feel more surreal. However, what players didn’t know was that those exceptions have now fueled the exploration of a third person shooter mode.

What Third-Person Mode Offers

So what are players supposed to expect from the third person mode? Quite simply, players get to enjoy their favorite game from a new perspective, with an emphasis on the character’s armor customization. With this new game mode, players get an avenue to enjoy their creations and improve their spatial awareness during combat. By getting a wider field of view, they can easily make decisions, navigate complex battlegrounds and also track enemy movements.

Another subtle advantage which might not really affect the gameplay is the cinematic experience players will derive from this mode. It is believed that this new perspective will increase the player’s gaming experience and make it more dramatic and immersive. However, not all fans are convinced about this new development as they believe that rather than make an improvement, a decline might be underway in Halo’s gameplay.

Mode-Specific Implementations

To make this new implementation easily blend in with players, Halo Studios has decided on a phased rollout of their third person mode. The studio intends to start with the Firefight PvE and Forge mode. The decision was taken to allow developers to test the feature and then make adjustments in a more controlled environment.

Firefight PvE mode is an ideal starting point, all thanks to its tactical positioning and co-op gameplay features. With the third person mode, players can get a better view of their surroundings while also looking out for their teammates. Forge also made the list because of its dynamic camera switching capabilities which works perfectly with the third person mode.

While work continues on this new mode, the PvP and campaign modes will be able to access the third person pov. However there’s a possibility that this mode would get the features if it becomes a success on Firefight and Forge.

Final Thoughts 

Halo’s Infinite third person mode is a new perspective for this franchise, and players are curious as to how it all shapes up. With the studio expecting wide acceptance from their new announcement, the truth remains that the game’s community will remain divided.

However, as time goes on, we will find out whether this new iteration by Halo Studio was the right decision. But whatever happens, one thing is certain - this bold experiment will determine the future of Halo.
